In my previous article about the fantastic new features in REAPER 7, I discussed the ability to perform parallel FX and add FX containers. These features are already incredible and fully functional. However, the only issue is that it can sometimes be confusing to understand what is happening.
Today's script addresses this problem by providing an incredible improvement to the user experience. It offers an amazing interface that is incredibly easy to understand and use!
Allow me to introduce Paranormal FX Router, developed by Sexan 🔥

What does Paranormal FX Router do?
When you run this script, a window will pop up showing you the FX chain for the currently selected track. This allows you to see the effects applied to the track in real-time.
Not only can you see what's happening, but this script is also powerful because it provides convenient features for processing your tracks. It's like having a super enhanced version of the FX browser!
👉 Check out all the features and shortcuts in detail in the forum thread.

How to install Paranormal FX Router?
To get the script, you need ReaPack. If you don't have it, check out this guide: How to install ReaPack.
Once installed, you just need to import Sexan’s repository. To do so paste the following link into: Extensions > ReaPack > Import a repository.
To use the script, open the Actions menu (shortcut: ?) and search for "Script: Sexan_ParaNormal_FX_Router.lua". I recommend setting this up in one of your toolbars! ⭐️
That’s it!
The author, Sexan, is continuously improving this script. You can follow the development in the forum thread. If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports, you can reach out to him there. I highly encourage you to support his work. This is a super valuable tool that he has made available for all of us to enjoy for free. 🙏